Saturday, 26 February 2011


Keith the udon chef :) 
from cooking with dog - one of our fav youtube channel :p 

our fav udon salad 
- udon with tomato, salad with sesame dress
some fried eggs, haloumi cheese and nuts on top

Friday, 25 February 2011

Club Gascon, Smithfield

went there for the tasting menu.

Venison and hare pie civet sauce

Foie Gras Macaroon, ginger bread and truffle vinegarette
- it sounds very interesting but I didn't like it. 
I'm a hardcore macaron fan but this is just going tooooo far. 
The foie gras inside is perfectly cooked and was very nice. 
but the two little icecream at the side was veryyyy salty.  
On the whole, they just dont go well together :S 

Dover Sole goujonette, green risotto and watercress veloute

Lamb variation, mandarin sauce, violet mustard fritters
Unfortunately it's not a very nice photo of it but I found it very beautifully presented.  
Some stew lamb is stuff inside the flower, with lamb fillet on the side and cube of black pudding? 

Crust of frosted almonds, candied citrus and brioche emulsion
- very crispy crust! 

Club Gascon on Urbanspoon

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Crispy pork belly

poked lots of hole on the skin and soaked it with salt to dry it out such that it can turn very crispy after grilling


Recipe (in chinese)
自 製 脆 皮 燒 肉
材料 :
五花腩肉  2-3 斤   粗鹽  適量
醃燒肉料 :
紹興酒   1/2 湯匙  (先將酒抹上)
幼鹽  1茶匙   糖 1/8 茶匙  雞粉 1/4 茶匙
沙薑粉   1/4 茶匙   五香粉  1/8 茶匙    
製 法 :
1. 五花腩肉留皮, 先用刀在表皮上刮去污穢物及毛, 用水洗淨, 再將五花腩放入滾水內煲大約 8-10分鐘至五成熟, 然後取出過冷河.
2. 五花腩待涼後抹乾水, 用豬插及鐵釘在表面刺鬆後, 將醃燒肉料塗上, 一定要先將酒抹上, 其他材料拌勻後再平均抹上.
3. 將五花腩吊起吹乾最少 4-5 小時.
4. 用錫紙將五花腩肉包裹, 留下豬皮部份不用包. 錫紙的高度要比五花腩肉的高度多高1吋. 錫紙與腩肉中間不能有空隙.
5. 包裹好的腩肉, 在腩肉皮上面放下約1吋厚的粗鹽, 把鹽輕輕壓實, 表皮每一處地方都要用鹽覆蓋及不要被錫紙遮住.
6. 將包好的五花腩小心地放入巳預熱15 分鐘 (230度) 的焗爐內, 先焗 50 分鐘.
7. 再將腩肉表面的鹽取走, 再將燒肉放回入焗爐內, 用210 度烤 20-25 分鐘. 烤至豬皮鬆脆.
8. 待燒肉稍涼後斬件上碟.
注 :
1. 要買到靚及滑的五花腩肉, 買肉時一定要話比豬肉店員聽, 要買近豬胸口部位有少許骨及半肥瘦的五花腩, 否則, 其他部位比軟鞋口.
2. 買五花腩時, 要店員盡量將豬肉切成正方形一點, 不要切長形, 否則, 太薄好難將五花腩包裹至企身.
3. 用鹽焗的方法是令到豬皮表面水份全部蒸發, 達至表皮鬆脆效果. 所以, 沒有被鹽覆蓋的地方表皮會較韌.

- my frozen egg :p 
guess my fridge is too cold lol

Saturday, 12 February 2011


Went to Petrus for Sat lunch.  
This is the 2nd restaurant we went to that's opened by Gordon Ramsey
It's more casual then Claridges :) which we like.  

 Shellfish linguine
- perfectly cooked seafood with a seafood bisque like sauce

Braised Shin of beef  - rich but a little salty to my taste

Orange Baked Alaska!  - yummmm

Icecream chocolate ball with dried ice at the bottom

Petrus on Urbanspoon